A cauldron of stars NASA

New Album Underway

I'm excited to report that there's a new album underway. I'm collaborating again with the amazing RL Heyer -- we recorded "Ben Bruce" together in 2014 and it was one of the great honors of my life. 

I went to the woods last weekend and I sat in the sun and pondered things. My purpose was to think about this album. More on that later! 

We met this week to settle on the list of songs, and began pre-production. There is a ton of work to do:

  • Finish pre-production. Build arrangements, record some demos and practice, practice, practice
  • We have time at a local studio booked in July
  • Post-production. Edits, plus some additional recording
  • Mixing and mastering
  • Distribution
  • And then it's on to other fun stuff like the album release party, radio promotion and a worldwide tour!

I'm excited!

If you're interested in keeping up with the progress of the album, please consider signing up for the bruceletter which is sent infrequently and only in regards to my music. My privacy policy is simple: I won’t use your information for any purpose except connecting with you directly about my music.

This article was updated on May 21, 2024